Hotel Cloud 9 has taken a step towards a greener and more sustainable future for all.

Solar Power

We have installed numerous solar panels to boost our battery power during load shedding, ensuring continuous operation of lights, televisions, and Wi-Fi using clean energy instead of generators. This initiative allows us to conserve energy, reduce environmental impact, and maintain almost complete self-sufficiency in terms of electrical supply, making Cloud 9 Hotel largely unaffected by localised blackouts.

Renewable Energy

Saving Water

The hotel avoids relying on limited municipal water supplies by drawing water directly from a 100m deep aquifer. By sourcing and extensively filtering the water, the hotel operates independently from any water shortages.

In our commitment to sustainability, we have expanded our aquifer system with an additional filtration system, enabling us to provide guests with natural bottled sparkling or still water.

Energy Conservation

To conserve energy, we use LED low-watt lighting and movement sensors for lights in relevant areas. We also use low-energy devices throughout the hotel and rooms.

Living Green Walls

To improve air quality, health and well-being, the hotel reception/lobby has living green walls and plants inside and outside the grounds.

Recycling Program

Cloud 9 Hotel has joined a recycling program where hotel waste is sent to a rehab farm that teaches residents to grow their own produce for local soup kitchens in Cape Town. Partnering with Clearer Conscience, this extensive recycling program benefits both the community and the environment. Food waste collected by Clearer Conscience is composted and used to nourish food gardens that feed up to 2,000 residents of the Strandfontein community.